Field Working & Subculture

My subculture I think is Asian American, since my culture is a cross between these two cultures.  Influenced by American and Chinese cultures has made me experience the two together in a new light.  Since I was born in New York I suppose I should say that I am a New Yorker although I don’t really feel like I fit that mold or perception of what a New Yorker is suppose to be and so I don’t really identify myself as one even though I am.  I am currently taking Chinese class to learn how to speak Chinese which was suppose to be my native language but I forgot how to speak it when I was little because I choose to stop speaking Chinese to learn how to better speak English. Still I’d much rather speak English than Chinese as for what kind of food I’d prefer I’d have to say both are very delicious however burgers and fries wins over any chinese dish.  Even though I have school on Chinese New Year I always take that day off to celebrate with my family because family is more important to me than school.

You can call me a Gamer since I love playing video games.  I do identify myself as one even though some of the games I play I’m not very good.  I love playing co-op games with my friends even if I let them down we still have a good time and enjoy the fun.  One ritual that me and my friends do is to talk about the characters in the game called “Dead by Daylight” and say how good looking the survivor is and how unbelievable the killers look because some of the killers don’t look like they’re physically fit to run around let alone carry a survivor over their shoulder.  When I play “Smite” I always play with a specific group of friends and I will spam to them “I’m building stacks!” and it always makes them laugh because I’m not building stacks or knows what stacks are because I only recently played that game.